Get Expert Stain Removal with Our Carpet Cleaning Company

August 11, 2021

strain removal from our carpet cleaning companyYour carpets and upholstered furniture are made to be enjoyed and play a major part in how your family lives from day to day. As a result, stains are bound to happen. Rather than making your living room a no-go zone for eating and playing, you can have peace of mind knowing Chem-Dry is here to clean your carpets when needed. Our carpet cleaning company can provide the expert stain removal you need when an accident does happen.

Realizing one accident can lead to what may seem like a permanent stain on your plush carpet or pristine couch may cause you to panic. However, there’s no need to worry when you know you can call Chem-Dry. 

Our professional carpet cleaning company has remedies for some of the toughest stains out there. Best of all, we use non-toxic solutions and safe cleaning methods that protect your family and refresh your carpet and upholstery. Instead of feeling a constant sense of worry whenever wine, lipstick, or permanent markers enter the room, you can relax and enjoy your home.

Understanding Our Carpet Cleaning Company’s Approach to Stain Removal

Our Hot Carbonating Extraction (H.C.E.) process takes care of the vast majority of spots and stains quickly and effectively thanks to the power of our carbonated cleaning solution, The Natural®. This means you can look forward to carpet and furniture that looks its best after scheduling our basic services. 

However, we know not all cleaning is routine. Occasionally there are a few types of stubborn stains that require extra attention and special treatment. Fortunately, we also offer Specialty Stain Removal services. 

As part of these specialty services, our team works with cutting-edge equipment and stain removal products. We can put an end to some of the toughest stains in upholstered furniture, carpets, and rugs

You’ll often hear us say, “If we can’t get it out, no one can!” That’s because we know just how powerful our Specialty Stain Removal services are. We’ve seen time and again the magical transformation we can provide for materials that appear to have suffered permanent damage. 

Count On Us to Remove Stubborn Stains 

As a trusted carpet cleaning company, we’ve seen it all. Our expertise and reliability have led us to conquer some of the toughest stains out there. You can look to us to take care of spots and spills many other cleaning companies won’t even consider attempting to remove. 

Examples of some of the stain-producing substances we can often eliminate from carpets and upholstery include:

  • Chocolate
  • Wine
  • Coffee
  • Jam or jelly
  • Dirt
  • Ketchup
  • Mud
  • Markers and art supplies
  • Pet accidents
  • Tomato juice
  • Paint
  • Fruit juice
  • Grass
  • Soda 
  • Lipstick

Go Beyond Stain Elimination with Our Stain Protectant Package

Once we’ve gotten rid of your most obstinate carpet and upholstery stains, chances are you’ll want to do everything possible to prevent a repeat occurrence. However, you shouldn’t have to change your family’s lifestyle just to ensure spills and stains don’t occur. 

After all, banning food and drinks from the living room or making areas of your home a no-go zone for kids and pets can severely limit your enjoyment of these areas. A better solution is to get started with our Stain Protectant Package.

This package takes a proactive approach to inevitable accidents. It has been proven to work on carpets, rugs, and upholstery. It includes the application of an innovative stain protectant that creates a defensive layer around the fibers of fabrics and carpets. This barrier repels liquids and other culprits that create stains. In effect, when spills do happen, your carpet and furniture will be ready to fight back.

Don’t let stains linger as eyesores in your home any longer! Allow our expert technicians at Chem-Dry to remove unsightly stains and protect your carpet and furniture from future accidents. Contact our carpet cleaning company today at 1-800-Chem-Dry to find your local Chem-Dry!