young child and dog running through home with clean carpets

Chem-Dry Services

Technician Cleans White Carpet

Carpet Cleaning

Learn More About Carpet Cleaning

Technician cleans couch cushion

Upholstery Cleaning

Learn More About Upholstery Cleaning

Dog lays next to accident and technician cleans urine stain

Pet Urine Odor Removal

Learn More About Pet Urine Odor Removal

Why Choose Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaners?

Pet Urine Odor Exclamation video

We love our pets, but they can make it a challenge to keep your home clean and smelling fresh when pet accidents occur. Chem-Dry technicians are experts at removing pet urine and odor with our revolutionary Pet Urine Removal Treatment. While most carpet cleaners mask the odor with perfumes, P.U.R.T.® works by attacking pet odors at the source deep down in your carpets and causing a chemical reaction that destroys the odor for good. It’s been proven to remove pet urine odors. *

Click here to learn more about P.U.R.T.

Deep Clean Carpet video

Many people don’t realize that carpets act like giant air filters in your home. Fibers trap dirt and allergens keeping them out of the air you breathe. But just like any air filter, they need to be regularly cleaned to remain optimally effective. 

Click here to learn more about our deep cleaning.

Nature's Chemistry Video

You can trust Chem-Dry to use a core cleaning solution that is safer for your family and home. We don’t need the harsh chemicals or soapy detergents that other carpet cleaners often use because we have nature’s chemistry as the foundation of our Hot Carbonated Extraction cleaning process. Millions of tiny, carbonated bubbles reach deep into your carpet fibers to loosen the dirt and grime. With our core cleaning solution, The Natural®, we achieve a deep, long-lasting clean!

Click here to learn more about our carpet cleaning process.

Stain Removal Video

If you have kids or pets, you know that carpet stains are inevitable. But you don’t have to battle them alone, Chem-Dry can help! There’s a reason we say “if we can’t clean it, no one can!” Our innovative Hot Carbonating Extraction cleaning process is gentle, yet powerful enough to tackle most spills and spots. For particularly stubborn stains, like those from permanent marker or lipstick, our professional carpet cleaners have an arsenal of effective stain removal products that can knock out virtually any stains for good. Chem-Dry also offers a powerful protectant that is coapplied during cleaning and can significantly increase your carpet’s future stain-fighting power. 

Click here to learn more about our specialty stain removal.